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3 Tips For Styling a Dresser

3 Tips For Styling a Dresser

Some dressers are built to withstand the test of time which is great for your budget. However, no matter how structurally sound pieces of furniture are, they may not fit with the look you're going for in your room. Before the dresser takes up residence on your tree lawn and before some college kid comes to grab it, try these tips to restyle it and make it work.

1. Strip Down

Putting the dresser in a neutral area can help you start to see its potential. Get rid of the miscellaneous "tchotchkes" that surround it and start seeing it for what it is. You may want to start redesigning the space around it first after you see it in a stark space to start getting an idea of what goes best with what.

2. Plants and Books

Small and neat container plants or a small stack of books can give a dresser character, and it can give you a chance to experiment with objects that you may have thought couldn't find a home in your home. If you're putting the dresser into an Atlanta custom closet, you can still brighten up the space with plants that don't require a great deal of sun or water.

3. Bring It All In

Once you start to see the dresser for what it's worth, this is the time to start bringing in mirrors, rugs, baskets, etc. Pay close attention to the lines of the dresser and ensure that the effect pulls your eye in the right direction rather than have a disorganized flow. The key here is to not let one thing overwhelm the space. Use colors that complement in a subtle way rather than using too many bright pieces in one area. Atlanta, Georgia has some beautiful homes, and keeping them all up definitely requires consistent care and attention. Artisan Closets helps find personalized solutions that work for you, so give us a call for tips and services today.