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Prepare For Fall By Re-Organizing Your Closet

Prepare For Fall By Re-Organizing Your Closet

Transitioning from summer to fall isn't just about preparing for less steamy weather outside; it's also about adjusting your wardrobe. Adjusting your wardrobe is also about having the space to store your summer wear, and pull out your heavier fall clothing. While re-organization is never high on the to-do lists of many--mainly because most of us don't think we have enough space--it is an essential part of home redecoration and organization. If you're planning for your seasonal wardrobe organization, there are a few things to keep in mind as you shift into fall mode:
  • Take inventory of your wardrobe
Make sure the clothing you're uncertain about still fits you. If not, then know it's a prime candidate for the donation for the garbage bin.
  • Shelves and Hangers
To keep things looking really neat and organized observe your closet space and figure out if hangers or shelves work better for you and go shopping for what works. Figuring out a simplified closet solution system is part of this process.
  • Start with a clean canvas
Jump into your closet and separate all of your clothes with walk in closet storage system. Weed out your summer clothes, so you know exactly what you won't be wearing this fall. De-cluttering is the first step to the organization. For more help with your re-organization goals or to create a brand new closet solution system, contact Artisan Custom Closets today.