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Top Tips for Kid-Friendly Closet Organization

Kids. They are wonderful. They enrich our lives. They are creative and happy and say the darndest things. Kids. They are messy.

If you have kids, you know this to be a fact. Who knows, eventually, your kids might turn out to be organized adults, but childhood is filled with so much wonder that it's hard to find the time to clean because there is too much time to play.

However, being disorganized can be stressful for kids, even if they don't know it. Heck, it can be stressful for the adults who must deal with the messes that they leave. Here's the thing: you can prepare for this. You can prepare for this by planning how to stay on top of things, and what better place to start than your closet? Here, we will review some top tips to help organize your kids' closets.

Make It Creative With A Bit Of Color Coordination

We all know that kids love colorful things. You can use this to your advantage by color-coding their closet. They will have the benefit of simplicity, and you will have the benefit of your kid having a less cluttered closet.

Whether using a closet organizer for kids or some other method, color coding will simplify your child's organization and excite them about the process. It will become less of a chore and more of a fun activity. This simple tip could significantly reduce the mess in your child's closet.

Make It Accessible

A closet can get cluttered (and this goes for adults, too) because it needs to be set up for success. The best way to maintain an organized closet is to make it accessible. What do we mean by that? Simple! You want to open your closet, see everything clearly, and have well-defined areas for the different things in your closet. A kids closet organizer or several can make this process much more manageable.

For example, maybe all the hanging clothes are on the bottom, while the toys go in organizers above them. On one side could be socks, shoes and underwear, and on the other side could be sporting equipment or art supplies. Whatever it is, when your kid opens their closet, they should be able to see where everything is.

Make It Labeled

One huge key to kids closet organization? Labels. This goes hand in hand with color coordinating but adds a minor detail, simplifying the organization process for your child. When a kid closet organizer is labeled, your child will have no question about what should go in it. At the same time, they will think twice about putting something in a bin that does not belong there.

Make It Neat With Racks

We've all done it. We're getting ready, and we can't find our other shoes. Listen, if it happens to adults, it happens to kids. A shoe rack in the closet eliminates the chance that your child throws their shoes into the closet willy-nilly. It also shows them that this closet part serves this specific purpose.

Or, If That Doesn't Work…

You can hang a shoe rack on the door's front or back. This shouldn't be limited to just shoes, though. You can use a hanging system on the front or back of the door to clear up space inside the closet. You can use a hanging system in various ways: to store art supplies or sporting equipment, to hang the next day's outfit on it, etc.

By having more room in the closet, you are reducing the chance of clutter. The less clutter you have, your kids' closet will be neater.

Speaking Of The Next Day's Outfit…

Have a spot in the closet where your child can prepare for the next day by setting out their outfit. This will give them one less worry for the next day and instill the idea that a closet is a functional space.

If you have more questions about the closet organization, don't hesitate to contact Artisan Custom Closets.