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How Much Value Does Adding Custom Closets Add to Your Home

When we buy a home, what we are buying is a possible investment. Yes, the thought of finding the home you will wind up in for the rest of your life is nice, but life moves in funny ways, and you never know when you will be in a new location. Because of this, we want to ensure that our homes are as valuable as possible. By keeping up with trends, you can ensure that if you need to sell, you will be able to sell as much as possible.

Various factors can contribute to increasing the value of the home. From new plumbing to exterior windows, the house is a never-ending project. Some things that add value to the home might be even more unassuming. Have you ever thought about converting a room to a closet? If so, you've thought about adding value to your home.

Here, we'll tell you everything about custom closets and their value to your home.

How Much Value Do Closets Add?

This can be measured in a couple of ways. First, whether you get a small custom closet or something more extensive, you will add value to your life with the experience of new cabinets. You will be more organized, and your home will have the feeling that you want it to have. That's the great thing about custom renovations: you have a say in what goes in your home. Yes, when we buy houses, we buy them because we love them how they are, but the process of homeownership can be long and is often rewarding when we transform our living spaces into the exact area we want.

However, we are here to talk about cold, hard cash. So, do custom closets add value to your home? You bet they do. Custom closets are estimated to add anywhere from $1,000 to upwards of $10,000 of value to your home.

Why Do They Add Value?

Many people might assume that the things that add value to the home are mainly on the exterior. Most people think that curb appeal is what drives real estate prices. Yes, curb appeal is a huge deal, but it isn't everything. Having a nice-looking house is excellent, but you will be spending all your time inside, as is someone who would be interested in buying your home.

It doesn't matter the type of closets you install, be they cedar closets or something else. One of the things that buyers love is storage. A nice kitchen will get you far, and bathrooms can put a place over the top, but think about it: how often have you gone to look at a home and you or your partner thought there just wasn't enough closet space? This is a make-or-break deal for a lot of people who are looking at houses on the market. By adding custom closet space, you can eliminate that worry altogether.

What Should I Look for In Custom Closets?

You might want to opt for a more generic design or want to go for more stylish cedar closet ideas. Either way, there are some things you will want to look out for when you are on the market for a custom closet.

  • The more recent design trends might be popular and fun, but maybe you should stick to a custom closet design that's a bit more classic. Styles that stand the test of time will sell better than something that might be cool for a short period.
  • You want to consider the durability of the style and the materials themselves. Either you will be in your home for a while, or the person you're selling it to will. A nice, robust, durable closet will raise the value of your home.
  • Switch it up. Add variety to the types of closets in your home. There's something to be said for a feeling of adventure when you walk into a closet, and it's even more fun if each cabinet is different.

If you are considering getting new closets, please contact Artisan Custom Closets today!